Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Not much new here...

Not much new to post this time... Things are good. Our church is putting on Easter play this weekend. I am playing a townsperson. My big acting debute! :) We are performing the play Saturday night and in both services on Sunday. The director of our play is a drama teacher at a local high school here in town. The play is very good, very realistic. So, I will be busy this weekend with dress reheasal and the performances. It will be a lot of fun!

My parents are officially moved out of their house. It is sad to see them in a rental home. But, they will be in their new house hopefully sometime next year. We are having a big yard sale Saturday to get rid of some stuff. Mom has a lot of "stuff" -a.k.a junk to sell and so do I! Hope fully I can make a little bit of money. Last week, I was helping my parents go through some papers and things in their attic. I came across some old yearbooks from high school and letters from college. It was like taking a trip down memory lane. All I can say is Thank God for Austin!

Well, I received a phone call from my sister yesterday.... she's pregnant!!! I can't believe it! There are so many people pregnant! My mom will have her hands full at the end of the year! I am excited to be pregnant with my sister. This will be fun! Her baby is due December 17th. So, we will both have our preggie bellies when we take our family beach trip in June.

That's all the news for now... I hope to post some pics of our play on Sunday. Don't worry, they'll be pics soon! Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your sis as well! That will be so fun to be pregnant together! I enjoyed having Nicole to "be prego" with too! And you guys are almost due the same exact time as Nicole and I were! Too funny!