Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I found this pic of Austin and I taken back in Tulsa. "Pre-Reagan days!" I will have to post some older pics for a while... Our digital camera bit the dust over the weekend! boo hoo! I was really hoping to get some pictures of the Easter play and of some of the actors in costume. Oh well. So, in the meantime, I hope you all will enjoy looking at some older pictures. Hopefully we can go this weekend and look for a new camera!

Well, the play was an absolute success last weekend! All I can say is WOW! At our Saturday night performance we had over 400 people to attend. The church was wall to wall people. I think that was our most emotional performace. In one scene, I played a mourner at Jesus' cruxifiction. During practice, I would have to pretend to cry. But, during all the performances I really wept. A lot of the children in the play had a really hard time with the cruxifiction scene. Some of them would cry before this scene and not want to participate. It was just so realistic! There was such an annointing during the performances. I can't explain it. Being in this production was so rewarding. I will remember this for as long as I live. I'm so glad I stuck it out even though I wasn't feeling my best. This Easter will be one to remember! By the time I got to eat our Easter lunch I was emotionally and physically drained! Many, many thanks to Josh and Gina Scott who directed the play and made it all possible- you guys are great!

I went for my second visit to the doctor. At this visit, I got to hear the babies heart beat! That is so cool! My doctor didn't tell me how many beats per minute and I didn't think to ask. I must say, this second pregnancy is just so different! It's so much more relaxed! But, sometime in June I will get another ultrasound and we will find out who's hiding in there! :) We have a few names picked out, just not certain on them. If we have a boy, we definately have a name. Still thinking of a girl name though...I was surprised to see that I had gained 4lbs. since my last visit. I need to stop eating so much ice cream. But, it's so good!!! Well, that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well!!!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Morgen said...

I don't mind if your pictures are new or old. I just like seeing pictures of you guys. It makes me feel like we're not on opposite ends of the continent. It's good to hear that your Easter was great! I love hearing about churches being filled- it's so exciting and motivating to get even more people into God's kingdom!