Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Trixs are for kids, you silly Wabbit!

Last week, my mom brought up a few "treats" for Reagan... One of which included a box of Trix cereal. I can't believe my mom bought these being the health nut she is. I don't know if you all have seen the new Post's cereals that advertise "75% less sugar and made with whole grain." Well, I tasted this new and improved Trix and it tasted kind of like it had an artifical sweetner in it. So, we looked closer at the box and at the bottom in small print it states, "Contains Splenda." Ah-ha! I've heard mixed things about splenda. I don't know what to think about it. Is it bad or is it good? Who knows... anyway, we gave Reagan some Trix for breakfast Sunday morning before church. I told Austin before I gave it to her that she would soon be ruined from healthy cereals from here on out. She was laughing and giggling the whole time she was eating it. I asked her if she liked Trix and she said, "Yes, I like wabbit ceweal!" So, now every morning, she asks for her "Wabbit Ceweal." We are almost through the box and when it's gone- it's gone!

Last night I had to run out and finish cleaning my dad's office. We usually try and clean it over the weekend, but Austin had a company picnic we went to Sunday evening, so we didn't get it finished. The compnay picnic was a lot of fun! I was good to meet the people Austin works with and put a face to the names he is always talking about. With some of the stories he tells me, you'd think some of the people were ogres! :) But, they're pretty normal looking. Anyway, I had left Austin to heat up some tacos we had eaten earlier for his supper. When I got home, I was greeted with five black and crispy taco shells out on our front porch and I thought, oh no... The whole house smelled of burned taco shells. Austin thought most of the smell was out and it was starting to smell much better- wrong! So, needless to say, I was up most of the night with a headache from "the smell!" Pregnant women are very sensitive to smells. He had tried to air the house out while I was gone. He opened all the windows and doors. It's been pretty chilly here lately. So, Reagan was running around the house saying, "Daddy, it's cold and I have a headache!!


Jeremy and Morgen said...

I wouldn't worry too much about the cereal. We had to teach Chloe that she only gets treats like that at Grandma's house or when Grandma sends a "gift" home for her. It's just constant training. Do you ever feel like that's all we ever do? Train and then retrain? :)

Jeremy and Morgen said...

Today at Petsmart, I saw a jack russell terrier named Minnie. But this Minnie was so fat she waddled. She didn't breathe, she wheezed! I don't think this Minnie jumps like yours :)

Anonymous said...

HI! Love the pics and stories! Looking forward to seeing you! Happy Mothers Day, Lindsay. You are a blessing to us; you are a great Mommy.