Thursday, June 15, 2006

My 20 Week Ultrasound

Well, this morning I went for my ultrasound. Reagan and Austin were able to join me. I was lying down on the table while the ultrasound tech was doing her work and Reagan asked Austin, "Is Mommy sick?" I don't think she knew what to think of all of it. I saw her covering her eyes a few times... Everything looked good and normal on the ultrasound. All the baby's organs look good and it's size is just plain normal. Which my doctor said is very good. And, I've only gained 3lbs. since my last visit! That puts me at 11lbs. total.

And---- it's a GIRL!!! Another girl! I kind of had a feeling the baby was a girl, but I wasn't quite sure. I don't think Austin is too disappointed, or he's hiding it really well. He said, "Well, we can always adopt!" I told him one thing at a time mister! While I am thrilled to be having another girl, I am a little sad that we won't be having a boy of our own. - I am finished after this pregnancy! So, Reagan and I went out today and celebrated. We went to lunch and a movie. I told Reagan she was going to have a baby sister and she said, "Yeah!"

So, we should have enough baby clothes for the second round. I saved just about everything of Reagan's. (That was worth saving.) I want to decorate the baby's room in pink and white. Reagan's room is done in green and purple. As far as names go, we're still thinking. We like the name Cara Grace but that is not set in stone yet. So, today was a fun and eventful day. It's so good to know, now I can start planning and decorating!


Jeremy and Morgen said...

Congratulations!!! I am excited for you guys! Are you sure no more? I love Cara Grace- it's so pretty!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you!!! It is so amazing to see the little life moving around inside you. I agree with Morgen ... Cara Grace is very pretty. I love it! Also, no more? Awe. Anyway, Congrats to you and Austin. We are very happy for you. Reagan, you are going to be a great big sis!

Anonymous said...

We are excited for you. We're looking forward to seeing you in just a couple of weeks. Our love,
Dad and Mom