Monday, June 12, 2006

Summer Fun!!

We just got back from our beach trip! It was a lot of fun and the weather was wonderful! I will post pics of our trip sometime this week. Oh, and we got a new digital camera finally! It's a Nikon and very easy to use. So, I had a blast taking lots of pics at the beach! Reagan was of course a little timid of the ocean at first but was wading right in up to her knees by the time we left! She always gets used to things as it's time to go...:) She also enjoyed building sand castles and splashing in the little water pools that are left behind after the tide receedes. She would splash in them and whisper, "Oh Wow!" Next to our hotel was a mini water park with slides and a lazy river. Reagan liked the lazy river very much but I had to force her down the water slide. But, once she went, she loved it! We made some good memories on this trip! We went with my parents and my sister and her family. So, Reagan got plenty of hang time with her cousins Katie and Kendal. Katie is like a little mama herself so she helped me out quite a bit! Reagan always takes the best naps at the beach b/c she plays so hard- or maybe it's the salty ocean air. Who knows, but I enjoyed the down time.

We also celebrated her third birthday at the beach. This year we got her a Madagascar cake. It was really cool. I have a picture of it that I'll post later. Nobody wanted to eat the far side of the cake b/c it was so thick with the "ocean" icing. But, Reagan was thrilled. She gets VER Y excited about cake. It think it's her most favorite thing in the world. We went to Cold Stone Creamery one night while we were there and Reagan said she wanted the "pinx" icecream with sprinkles. She only ended up eating two bites. Good thing it cost only $1.50. She is not much of an icecream fan.

I did not feel very beach pretty this year. I had no tan whatsoever and a preggo belly. Oh well, there's always next year. We get to find out what the baby is this Thursday! Yipeee! I honestly have no idea what it is. I thought Reagan was a boy before her ultrasound, so I'm not guessing this year. We will be happy with either! I think Austin really wants a boy, so hopefully so. So, then we'll be through with the baby making!!! :) My biggest complaint with this pregnancy is all the headaches I get. AHHHH! And tylenol does nothing for them. Does anyone have any suggestions on what might help? Sometimes I get them for two days straight! Oh well, I need to close. This blog is getting rather long... Look for pics coming soon! Miss you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had so much fun at the beach. I'll be looking forward to the pictures!
I am so excited to find out what sex the baby is! I am thinking of you guys. Let me know when you find out!!! It seems like the months are flying by...maybe not for you in the summer heat though, being pregnant. I did that too and it wasn't fun. But it doesn't matter in the end cuz you have this awesome little miracle in your arms!
Ian's new pics will be up tonight if you want to check them out!