Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Belly

Here is a pic of my belly around 20 weeks. I think it has gotten a little bigger since this picture was taken. I am officially six months pregnant now. The time is going by rather quickly. We still have so much to do to fix up the nursery. It's different with you second- it seems like with Reagan we had so much more accomplished by this time. But, since we're having girl #2, we won't need to buy a whole lot. I've saved most of Reagan's clothes and toys. I am still feeling good, although I get tired pretty easy. I guess it's b/c I'm keeping up with a three year old as well!

Austin's parents were able to come out and visit over the 4th. We had a really fun time. Reagan enjoyed seeing Grandma and Grandpa. We will see them again soon- in November, after the baby's born. I have lots of pics of there visit. I will post them soon.


Jeremy and Morgen said...

Yea! I love belly pics! I want to see more- and with your beautiful face included :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! How fun! You look fabulous!!! I agree, we need to see more...and your face too!! I can't believe how fast time is going. Six months already!!??!!!