Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Weird Stuff

Why do strange things always happen to me? I was walking to get into the bed tonight and hit my toe really hard on the foot of our bed. I heard a "pop" and a "crack!" I bent my toe nail all the way back on my little toe. Just thought you all would like to know this! Hey, by the way... leave comments. I feeling a little lonely here. No one's posted a comment lately...anybody out there???


Anonymous said...

Hey! You are not alone...in either case! I feel the same way sometimes!
I have a similar toe story from just yesterday! I went out to get the mail and normally I throw on my flip flops, but I didn't this time. I had my little man in my arms cuz he likes to "open and close" the mailbox for me. Well, somehow I lost my balance and stepped down hard...right on a tree branch with a huge desert thorn on it. Ouch! It went up in my toe and I had to pull it out. It hurt so bad. Then today it got all achy and is so sore. Must be the week for toe injuries! Ha! Anyway, I hope your toe is better soon! You never know how much you need your toes until something happens to one of them!

Austin & Lindsay said...

Sorry about your toe Em....sounds painful! We should declare this week- "Hurt your toe Week!"

Jeremy and Morgen said...

I'm there with you for "Hurt your toe Week!" I walked into the door and now have 3 swollen toes on my right foot!!!!

Matt and Cristin said...

Hey Lindsay...
It has been a while...I'm totally checking your blog for updates....I haven't commented in a while though....:) I promise I'll send an email soon! Hope you guys are doing great!