Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Reagan's Dream

This is the imovie we made for one of my elementary ed. classes. We filmed it in Reagan's room... She thought that was pretty cool. And she like me playing the "kitty!" Shooting this imovie was so funny, we had a blast!


David Wegley said...

See now you guys just need to get a Mac and we can video chat with each other and you can make little movies like this at home. ;-) Cute movie btw.

Jeremy and Morgen said...

I loved this!!! Chloe did too! Looks like you had some fun doing it :)

Anonymous said...

The movie was cute! I can see why Reagan really liked it. The deleted scenes were funny, too.

Mom and Dad Phillips

Anonymous said...

The flowers are really showy! You have so many and such variety! Thanks for sending the pictures.

I have three columbine blooming this year: One red, one double rose, and the other I don't know because it is just buds right now.

Tim and Charmaine said...

We're the ones that left the other anonymous comment. We couldn't remember our blogger identity.