Friday, January 06, 2006

Dora the Explorer

For all of you out there who have small children, I'm sure you know what it's like to watch cartoons with them. Reagan's favorite show is Dora the Explorer. It's really sad because I know all of her DVDs by heart. Have any of you actually sat down and watch a whole episode? It's enough to drive you crazy! They're all the same. And Dora's map has to repeat their destination like a hundred times- we get it already! And what's the deal with Swiper the Fox? Sometimes, I wish he would take everything from Dora and Boots and ruin the whole episode! Ha! Ha! They could call it Swiper's Revenge! The other night Austin was watching one of the episodes with Reagan and Tico the squirrel was in this particular one. Well, Tico only speaks Spanish. So Dora and Boots ask you (the audience) to yell out words in Spanish to tell Tico what to do. Austin said Tico was an illegal alien because he hasn't learned to speak English yet. Then, he goes off on his usual speech about how illegal Mexicans are taking over the U.S. Maybe Dora is really in Mexico, who knows?

1 comment:

Jeremy and Morgen said...

Hey, Jeremy and I have conversations along these lines all the time!!! Yes, Dora is annoying, Swiper is an idiot, and kids are totally into it. Don't worry, we feel your frustrations!