Friday, January 13, 2006


I am writing this post from Phoenix, Arizona! I am here visiting David and Emily- and their newest addition baby Ian! Ian Hunter was born on Nov. 20th. It's so good to be here with them. I haven't seen Emily since we moved from Tulsa. Babies change and grow so quickly!! I feel like I don't know what to do around an infant anymore! It's amazing how much changing they do in the first three years of their life! But, Ian is a really good baby- very content and sleeps a lot. I got to feed him his first bottle today! Phoenix is so different than N.C. Emily and David have a cactus growing in their front yard! Quite a change from ours. It is cool to see the mountains popping up in the midst of the of the desert. And all the mountains have individual names. Yesterday morning, my flight left Charlotte very early, before sunrise. About an hour into the flight, the sun started to come up. We were flying above the clouds, so it looked like there was a blanket of clouds below and a blanket of clouds above. In the middle of the clouds I could see the blue of the sky (bright and beautiful) and the sunrise was pink. It was probably the most amazing sunrise I've ever seen. I wonder if this was a glimpse of what heaven might look like.

Anyway, I am having a great time here and it's so good to see Emily. It's neat because we are such good friends that even time doesn't weaken our relationship. We just pick up where we left off. I know that God blessed me with many wonderful friends while in Tulsa. I am thankful to be able to maintain these friendships and hope our paths with cross again later in life. Who knows what God has in store? Emily, I thank God for you and love you like family!!! Thank you for a great weekend!


David Wegley said...

Thanks Linz! We loved seeing you. Thanks for coming!

David Wegley said...

Thanks Linz! We loved seeing you. Thanks for coming!