Sunday, February 05, 2006

Little Miss Reagan Avery

Reagan modeling her new pink leopard coat. She thinks it is so "pretty and cute!" She's only 2 1/2 and the girl already has a sense of style! She also enjoys putting on make-up with mommy. (especially eye shadow- the darkest purple she can find!) the other day she tried to put on purple eyeshadow with a q-tip and had it smeared all under and around her eye. I tried to get most of it off, but we had to go and run errands. So, she went into the bank looking like she had two black eyes. Needless to say, I was a little embarrassed. "No, we don't abuse our child," I felt like saying. She also tries to curl her eyelashes and put on lipstick. On another subject, we are in the midst of potty training. Some days are better than others. Saturday she wore big girl panties until her big accident before nap time. We've set up a reward system- she goes to the potty and then she gets an M&M. We keep the M&Ms up in the cabinet behind the toilet. Well, most of the time she wants her reward before she does the deed. The other day I picked up some bath fizzies that turn the water different colors- I thought she'd enjoy them. Well, last night we put a pretty purple one in the tub and she was terrified of it. She went to the opposite corner of the tub and cried as the purple water got closer and closer to her. I had to drain the tub and fill it back with plain water. That's our Reagan- Miss Cautious! I thought, "Reagan, this is suppose to be fun."


Jeremy and Morgen said...

Reagan is so cute! Chloe is just as girly- they would be great friends if we lived closer to each other! We used the M&M rewards for potty training. It was great until she was completely trained. Then we had to ween her off the candy! Sorry about the fizzies, I think they are fun too! It took Chloe a while to realize that colored water is ok (and that it's not juice you can drink!)

Anonymous said...

We really like being able to hear all about the things you all do and to see pictures!

We love you!