Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Sorry it has been so long since our last blog. We all had the flu last week, but are feeling much better now. I think Reagan picked it up at her daycare- at their Valentine's Day party. What a nice thing to take home from a party. Not like all the kids didn't eat enough sugar to last the whole year! Reagan was running laps around the house when we got home!- Sugar Rush!!
So, we've all been recooperating from that. On another note: Reagan is almost fully potty trained. I know she's a little old to have reached this milestone, but I stay at home with her and well- I've been a little lazy with it! :) But, she's doing really well with it! Yesterday she actually told me she had to go potty (major accomplishment!) And she wore big girl panties! Yea!! Her big thing to say now is, "O.K. mommy! I'm coming!" But she yells that out on the other side of the house and just sit there. I don't think she quite understands the concept. And when she has something in her hands and doesn't want me to have it she says, "No! It's yours!" I'm thinking, o.k. then let me have it! Ha. Ha.

And I suppose I should share some of our other news... We are pregnant!!! I can't believe it! Although I am very excited, I am also a little scared. But, I feel good so far. We just found out last week and I won't go to the doctor until the last of March. So, we're thinking this baby will be due around the last of October or first of November. So- Reagan is going to be a big sister!! I know Austin wants a boy, but I secretly want another girl! We decided to send flowers to Austin's parents in Arkansas to share the good news with them. I selected the arrangement I wanted off the internet and called the order in. The arrangement was called "Beary Cute" and was suppose to have a stuffed bear holding three balloons with a vase of flowers in the middle. Well, they ended up getting a bear holding a BlUE rattle with a BlUE bib, and a BlUE ribbon tied around the flowers!! Is the florist trying to tell us something? :) Anyways, I guess that's what you get for ordering flowers on the internet. But, his parents were very happy with their gift- and surprised!

So, I guess the next nine months with be busy with planning and decorating! Yea, the fun part! We've got to change our guest room into the new nursery. We've got our work cut out for us!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Feels so good to give...

I should start this blog out by telling everyone we have a 1997 Ford Contour that we had purchased from a friend of mine in Tulsa right before Reagan was born.- We needed a family car to transport our new little bundle. What we were driving at the time wouldn't accomodate. (Austin's Ranger and my Miata.) On a side note- I was sooo glad to see the Miata go last year. Poor Austin had to drive it back and forth to work. He looked like a sardine in a can! Whenever I pass someone driving a Miata, I think, "Boy, I feel sorry for you!" Anyway, back to my story... Since December, Austin has been driving a work truck to and from work. (insurance and gas now paid for- Glory to God!) So, that has left us with three cars- the work truck, the Saturn, and the Contour. We don't need all of these and we have been debating whether or not to try and sell the Contour. We both were kind of thinking it might be cool to try and find someone to give it to.- bless someone with it. Well, Sunday afternoon Austin received a call from one of his warehouse employees saying that his car had broken down and he needed a ride to work Monday morning. He lives with his girlfriend and they only have one car between the two of them- well now no car. And to get their car up and running again, it would take a new engine. So, we both thought- yeah, here's our opportunity! Tonight after work, Austin brought Chris and his girlfriend home with him and gave them our car. It was so awesome! He was also able to witness to them and told them about our church. Needless to say they were thrilled! And we are thrilled to be able to bless someone like that! I am so proud of Austin! He is such a strong and faithful man of God. He has really allowed God to use him time and time again in his workplace! Honey, you're awesome! And I love you so much!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I Need Glasses!

Well, Today I finally did it.... I went for an eye exam. I've been putting it off for quite some time now. But, since I've been reading A LOT in Children's Literature class, I've been getting headaches. So, as I thought- I need glasses. I've always prided myself on having perfect vision, but now I will join the millions who wear glasses or contacts! :) I only need to wear them when I am reading or working on the computer. My eye doctor said I have a slight far-sightedness. So, I got to pick out these really cute frames and I'll pick up my new glasses next week. I went to Sam's for my eye exam and my mom came along to help me with Reagan. In Sam's, there was this really huge playhouse for sale. It was really cool because it was big enough for all of us to get in. Reagan absolutely loved it! So, while mom and her were playing in the house, I went and ordered my glasses. Twenty minutes later, I went to back to the playhouse to find my mom and Reagan still inside. My mom said, "Rescue Me!" She got up to leave and Reagan said, "No, you sit down!" She didn't want to leave. It was so funny! So, today was eventful and fun. Reagan always seems to make us all laugh.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Little Miss Reagan Avery

Reagan modeling her new pink leopard coat. She thinks it is so "pretty and cute!" She's only 2 1/2 and the girl already has a sense of style! She also enjoys putting on make-up with mommy. (especially eye shadow- the darkest purple she can find!) the other day she tried to put on purple eyeshadow with a q-tip and had it smeared all under and around her eye. I tried to get most of it off, but we had to go and run errands. So, she went into the bank looking like she had two black eyes. Needless to say, I was a little embarrassed. "No, we don't abuse our child," I felt like saying. She also tries to curl her eyelashes and put on lipstick. On another subject, we are in the midst of potty training. Some days are better than others. Saturday she wore big girl panties until her big accident before nap time. We've set up a reward system- she goes to the potty and then she gets an M&M. We keep the M&Ms up in the cabinet behind the toilet. Well, most of the time she wants her reward before she does the deed. The other day I picked up some bath fizzies that turn the water different colors- I thought she'd enjoy them. Well, last night we put a pretty purple one in the tub and she was terrified of it. She went to the opposite corner of the tub and cried as the purple water got closer and closer to her. I had to drain the tub and fill it back with plain water. That's our Reagan- Miss Cautious! I thought, "Reagan, this is suppose to be fun."