Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Sorry it has been so long since our last blog. We all had the flu last week, but are feeling much better now. I think Reagan picked it up at her daycare- at their Valentine's Day party. What a nice thing to take home from a party. Not like all the kids didn't eat enough sugar to last the whole year! Reagan was running laps around the house when we got home!- Sugar Rush!!
So, we've all been recooperating from that. On another note: Reagan is almost fully potty trained. I know she's a little old to have reached this milestone, but I stay at home with her and well- I've been a little lazy with it! :) But, she's doing really well with it! Yesterday she actually told me she had to go potty (major accomplishment!) And she wore big girl panties! Yea!! Her big thing to say now is, "O.K. mommy! I'm coming!" But she yells that out on the other side of the house and just sit there. I don't think she quite understands the concept. And when she has something in her hands and doesn't want me to have it she says, "No! It's yours!" I'm thinking, o.k. then let me have it! Ha. Ha.

And I suppose I should share some of our other news... We are pregnant!!! I can't believe it! Although I am very excited, I am also a little scared. But, I feel good so far. We just found out last week and I won't go to the doctor until the last of March. So, we're thinking this baby will be due around the last of October or first of November. So- Reagan is going to be a big sister!! I know Austin wants a boy, but I secretly want another girl! We decided to send flowers to Austin's parents in Arkansas to share the good news with them. I selected the arrangement I wanted off the internet and called the order in. The arrangement was called "Beary Cute" and was suppose to have a stuffed bear holding three balloons with a vase of flowers in the middle. Well, they ended up getting a bear holding a BlUE rattle with a BlUE bib, and a BlUE ribbon tied around the flowers!! Is the florist trying to tell us something? :) Anyways, I guess that's what you get for ordering flowers on the internet. But, his parents were very happy with their gift- and surprised!

So, I guess the next nine months with be busy with planning and decorating! Yea, the fun part! We've got to change our guest room into the new nursery. We've got our work cut out for us!


Jeremy and Morgen said...

Congratulations!!! I'm very excited for you guys!!! Jeremy and I have been trying for a while- I can't wait to have another baby! Reagan is going to be a great big sister- and she is old enough to be your "helper." Now you HAVE to keep your blog updated about every other day so I don't miss out on anything! Love you bunches

Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear from you again! Glad you are all feeling better. :)
Congratulations! We are so excited for you both. And I agree with Morgen, Reagan will make a great big sis!