Monday, February 13, 2006

Feels so good to give...

I should start this blog out by telling everyone we have a 1997 Ford Contour that we had purchased from a friend of mine in Tulsa right before Reagan was born.- We needed a family car to transport our new little bundle. What we were driving at the time wouldn't accomodate. (Austin's Ranger and my Miata.) On a side note- I was sooo glad to see the Miata go last year. Poor Austin had to drive it back and forth to work. He looked like a sardine in a can! Whenever I pass someone driving a Miata, I think, "Boy, I feel sorry for you!" Anyway, back to my story... Since December, Austin has been driving a work truck to and from work. (insurance and gas now paid for- Glory to God!) So, that has left us with three cars- the work truck, the Saturn, and the Contour. We don't need all of these and we have been debating whether or not to try and sell the Contour. We both were kind of thinking it might be cool to try and find someone to give it to.- bless someone with it. Well, Sunday afternoon Austin received a call from one of his warehouse employees saying that his car had broken down and he needed a ride to work Monday morning. He lives with his girlfriend and they only have one car between the two of them- well now no car. And to get their car up and running again, it would take a new engine. So, we both thought- yeah, here's our opportunity! Tonight after work, Austin brought Chris and his girlfriend home with him and gave them our car. It was so awesome! He was also able to witness to them and told them about our church. Needless to say they were thrilled! And we are thrilled to be able to bless someone like that! I am so proud of Austin! He is such a strong and faithful man of God. He has really allowed God to use him time and time again in his workplace! Honey, you're awesome! And I love you so much!


Jeremy and Morgen said...

That is a really great and inspirational story. What an awesome way to be a witness! I love being able to bless others, big or small. And I love even more how much God blesses our lives, not because of our faithfulness but because of His!! Love you guys!

Jeremy and Morgen said...
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Anonymous said...

That is awesome Linz! What an incredible feeling to be able to give someone something they need so desperately. You guys are such a blessing to many. I love you guys! :)


Anonymous said...

Austin, we're proud of you! It is so satisfying to be a channel that God can use to minister life. That makes an eternal difference...
