Sunday, March 19, 2006

God's is SO Good

I just wanted to reflect on God's faithfulness to our church body and in the life of our Pastor Keith Gilliam. Many of you probably don't know this, but our Pastor (age, 42) was diagnosed with Wagner's Disease last September and wasn't expected to live. He was in good health before this incident. It all started with a sinus infection that wouldn't clear up.-the onset of the disease was very, very quick. He spent 90 days in intensive care and was close to death four times throughout his stay. Wagner's is an auto-immune disease. What happens is your body literally starts attacking itself: it's organs, etc. His lowest point in the hospital was when he had his spleen (which had aparently died) removed and was put on a venilator.

But... Praise God today our Pastor was able to preach the word - in both services! I am amazed at God's faithfulness in his promises! Our Pastor is on the road to total recovery. Pastor Gilliam said the most important thing he has learned through this whole process is knowing God. He stated that he has always been a very driven and goal oriented person. But, more important than all of our goals, dreams, and plans should be our relationship with Christ and knowing Him! That is so true! I know I have many plans and goals for my life. Sometimes I allow these things to become more important than my relationship with Him. But, the thing to remember is that out of our relationship with Him comes all those things we are destined for. We can't help but walk in the fullness of Christ when we are following Him daily. So, knowing God intimately is the key! Everything else will fall into place. The things God has destined for us are already there, inside of us. We just need to walk them out with Him.

God is on the move at WPHC! Austin and I are so glad to be apart of such a wonderful family of God. Oh, by the way honey- praise and worship today was wonderful! You do a great job on the bass! You rock! And I'm not exaggerating folks!

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