Sunday, March 05, 2006


Last Friday we got to dog-sit Minnie. She is my dog but lives with my parents. They inherited her when I moved to Tulsa. However, my parents are in the process of selling their home and will have to live in an apartment for a while- until their new house is built. So, Minnie will probably come and live with us very soon! I am glad b/c Reagan has such a good time with her. Minnie is very tolerable of children and doesn't mind being messed with. Reagan wanted to get her picture made with Minnie. (although it was hard to get Minnie to hold still!) Reagan likes to hook Minnie up on her leash in the house and led her around. Friday, she was playing in her room and had Minnie's leash hung on one of the knobs on her dresser drawer. I guess she wanted Minnie to watch her play. It was cute!

I also got to watch Pride and Prejudice this weekend with some ladies from my church. We went out to dinner and then watched the movie on a big screen at a local high school theater. It was so much fun to get out with the girls. I thought the movie was great! I love the end!! It's so romantic! I liked it so much that Austin and I rented it the next night. He enjoyed it as well...

Well so far so good on my pregnancy. I will be four weeks along next Saturday. I don't have a doctor's appt. until the 28th of March. I thought that was a little long to have to wait. I thought I went earlier than that with Reagan. But, I can't really remember. So far, I am feeling good. Just tired and somtimes my stomach hurts at night. But, no nausea. I am praying this pregnancy will go smoother than my last. I already feel fat and bloated!! I've always heard that women show sooner with their second pregnancy. I can believe it! So, that 's all the news I have for now. Until next time


Anonymous said...

Hey Linz!
So glad your pregnancy is going well. I have been thinking of you alot lately. :) Don't feel bad about the bloating and feeling big happened to me like the day after I was pregnant with #1. Hee hee!

Reagan is so cute! I love hearing about her and all of you. Keep the posting going! Minnie looks like a handful...and from what I remember of her she is! Have a blast with her!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking today that you may already be feeling 'bigger'. So glad you are feeling good. You are blessed!

Minnie is a good buddy for Reagan!
