Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Little Bean Lives!

On Tuesday the 14th I went and had an ultrasound at the Women's Clinic. I am not suppose to see my doctor until the 23rd. However, there have been some things happening with me and my doctor wanted me to come in for an ultrasound just to make sure everything "was where it's suppose to be." I had never had an ultrasound this early in my pregnancy. With Reagan, I didn't get one until I was about four or five months along. So anyway, I went and got to look at our baby for the first time! The baby looks like a little bean. And the really cool thing was I saw it's heart beat! It looked like a tiny flicker. It is sooo amazing to me that you can see a baby's heart beat at 6 1/2 weeks!! So, as I was looking at the screen with the ultrasound tech, I thought- "Well, the little bean lives!" If Reagan were there with me she would have said, "There you are!" So, everything looks good and normal. Oh, they also printed out some pics of the "bean" so I could take them with me.- Not really one to frame. Later, we could say, "Look! There you are, a little dot!" Next week I will go back for my first official visit- finally!

I have definately been feeling sick. I started feel not so hot last Saturday. Somedays it's an all day sick. But, no throwing up. I will try not to be too descriptive on my blog about the not so nice things of pregnancy. But, just wanted to give you all an update. Hopefully I can snap some more pics of our family and post them really soon. I just haven't felt very well- until next time...

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