Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mommy and Reagan

Last night we went to Fuddrucker's. I was craving a big, juicy cheeseburger! It's funny how your digestion changes when your pregnant. I wasn't liking the cheeseburger very much a few hours later. Oh well... But, I am feeling better. I am in my tenth week and most of my morning and night sickness is gone! This pregnancy (so far...) has been much easier. I met my doctor a couple of weeks ago. She is really nice and down to earth. We have scheduled my c-section for November 1st. The baby is actually due Nov. 4th-but they will take it a little early. I told her I didn't want a Halloween baby. So, she said, "How about Nov. 1st?" It is going to be interesting to be pregnant throughout the summer. My hands are already swelling some when I get hot. It's been in the 80's here lately. But, I've found that fruit and lemon water helps me stay cool. I will get another ultrasound done sometime the last of May to find out what the little bean is. Austin is hoping for a boy-me too. But, I won't be too upset to have another little girl. So, Life Is Good! The weather is wonderful! I have Spring Fever!! Classes will be over soon for a little while. Everyone in my class is experiencing Spring Fever too. Only a couple more weeks to go... Until next time...


Jeremy and Morgen said...

I know this is not the usual comment for a post about you and Reagan, but oh well: Your hair looks amazing!!!!! Just thought you should know that! Love you and miss you!

Austin & Lindsay said...

Thanks Morgen for the compliment-that made my day! :) I'm trying to let my hair grow some. I got it majorly chopped last November. Love and miss you too!

Jeremy and Morgen said...

So, since reading this post, I have practically been craving Fuddruckers!!! The down side is that we don't have one here and it's going to be a while before I am in the midwest again!