Sunday, April 23, 2006

Random thoughts and pics...

I'm not really sure what Reagan is doing in this top picture. I think she's pouting about something. And we thought you guys would like to see the inside of our dish washer! Next weekend is my b-day- The Big 30!!! AHHHH! No more twenties! How sad... Oh well life is good and I'm enjoying every stage and new adventure. Honestly, being twenty-something and single is over-rated! I think once you've been married for a while, life really starts getting good! Austin- I love you more now than I did when I married you!! XXXOOO!

This is Reagan playing in her sand box. She loves
it! We are hoping to get her a swingset for her
birthday this year. Lately, she been in the
habit of throwing sand out of the sand box!
The weather here has been very nice and
we've actually gotten some rain recently-
much needed!!! Our yard is looking better
and better thanks to the Landscaping King!
We can't keep him out of it on Saturdays.
But, I'm not complaining! :)

This is a picture of my parents taken at
Sandy and John's wedding. I thought they
both looked really nice! Love ya Mom and

We watched Walk the Line this weekend. It is so Good! I would recommend it if you've not yet seen it. I didn't know much about the life of Johnny Cash. But, the movie doesn't go on to say that Johnny Cash became a strong Christian and he and his wife did a lot for the Lord later in their lives. Ha- just like Hollywood! It did show them going to church at the end though. I'm going to watch it again tonight b/c I missed the first half. I fell asleep and then woke up for the second half. I guess that's what being pregnant does to you. I've been sooo tired lately! Well, I hope this blog hasn't rambled on too much. Until next time...


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your blog Linz! I will have to watch that movie soon. Yeah, I got really tired too being pregnant and would fall asleep all the time! Ha! Oh, the memories! Miss you! Were you able to fix your camera yet?

Austin & Lindsay said...

Yes! I guess it was just the batteries or something. I put new ones in it last weekend and it still wasn't working. Austin put more new batteries in it last night and it's working for right now. So, I'll have some new pics up soon! Miss you too!

Jeremy and Morgen said...

Reagan is so adorable- even with her pouty face! I think we need to work on getting Emily a blog. Hint, hint!!

Austin & Lindsay said...

Yes, I've been trying to get her to start a blog. Her husband has one-she needs one! Emily, if your're reading this-start your own blog! It would be fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Great to hear what is going on in NC. We are getting a much needed rain. So far this week, we have had about 5" of rain. It has been a very busy week. Mom is going to the college to study for her excel test. We love you and look forward to our visit the lasst of June.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear what is going on in NC. We are getting a much needed rain. So far this week, we have had about 5" of rain. It has been a very busy week. Mom is going to the college to study for her excel test. We love you and look forward to our visit the last of June.

Anonymous said...

What a fun sandbox! Great picture of your parents. We look forward to seeing them in July. Tell Austin the yard looks super!

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.