Sunday, April 30, 2006

Reagan's Curly Hair!

Here is our Reagan with curly hair. I wanted to put the pictures in order- first the rollers, then the curls- but oh well... you get the idea! We bought these cool soft rollers at Wal-Mart that she can sleep in. I put them in her hair when it's wet and the next morning it is sooo curly! I think she looks like that little black boy off The Little Rascals with her rollers in! :) She is pretty cooperative in letting me roll her hair. Just as long as she can look at herself in the bathroom mirror while I'm doing it. Reagan got her second hair cut last Tuesday. We decided to have a couple of inches taken off. It was starting to look "thin and stringy." So, I'll have to get some pics posted of her new do.

I'll share some funny stories with you about Reagan. Everytime we're outside and I have Minnie hooked up to her running leash, Reagan lets her go when I have my back turned for just a second! Then Austin or I have to go chasing after her. She runs very fast! We have told her it is not safe to let Minnie go in the backyard b/c she could run up to the road and get hit by a car. We live off a pretty busy road and cars don't really abide by the speed limit, so we're afraid Minnie will get hit. And Minnie likes to chase cars. So, we have spanked and scolded Reagan for letting Minnie loose, but no matter how much we punish her, she still does it! I guess she wants Minnie to be free.

Reagan has also been going into her room and shutting the door to "play" with Minnie. Friday night she had her door shut so I opened it and asked her what she was doing. She told me to shut the door and Minnie looked liked she wanted out very badly! Last night she shut her door again with Minnie in her room. Austin opened the door this time and saw Reagan holding a baby wipe saying, "Saying Minnie wipe?" And Minnie shot out of the room. We hope she wasn't trying to wipe Minnie's bottom! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh the joys to look forward to! That cracked me up...I was laughing so hard I was crying! Especially b/c when I talked to you she was saying shut the door to you! Her little voice is so cute! She is so funny! I'm just glad that Minnie can run fast! Ha!

You will have to post a pic of her new do!

Anonymous said...

Happy 30th Birthday again Linz!

Jeremy and Morgen said...

She is so funny! By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I know technically it's late, but we had been at Seaside since Thursday. So, since I'm now back on the computer, I don't see this as being late! :) Happy Birthday!!!

Emily, come on! Join us, start blogging!! It's tons of fun. Everyone is doing it :)

Anonymous said...

Curly is beautiful--it's amazing Reagan is willing! She is so pretty!