Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Cara Grace

I always seem to blog about Reagan. I guess she "is doing more" than Cara Grace right now. But, my little baby is doing so well. She gives me joy everyday! She has such a happy temperment. Well, as long as she is comfortable and at home. She loves to be at home! And she loves her mommy of course! She is very happy and content. Sunday I fed her some oatmeal cereal for the first time. I am in no hurry to start baby food. She is perfectly happy with her bottle and doesn't seem overly hungry. But, I thought we should probably start introducing a little cereal. So, of course more food ended up on her than in her mouth. Reagan wanted to help feed her so badly. I told her she could when Cara Grace got used to eating from a spoon. I think she enjoyed her first experience with cereal. She was trembling and flapping her arms the whole time I was feeding her. And everytime the spoon got close to her mouth, she would try and grab it! It was funny...Then she got impatient with the whole thing and wanted her bottle.

Tomorrow we go for her four mo. check-up. Which is very late. She turned 5 mo. on Sunday. She will be getting three shots. I hate that! I am curious to see how much she will weigh. She hasn't been weighed in about 2 mo. or so. She is now is 6-9 mo. clothes- she's a big girl! And she is drinking 6-7 oz. of formula every four hours. Most nights she doesn't get up to eat. It just depends on when her last feeding was. But, here lately she's been sleeping all night!

She has rolled from her back to her belly- but no belly to back yet. She is very aware of dangling toys and wants to grab them. Her bouncy seat has a toy bar that you can hook on to the sides so the toys will hang down in front to her. Now when I put the toy bar on, she immediately reaches for them! And she likes to grab handfuls of Reagan's hair whenever she can. Reagan doesn't like this very much though!

So, that is my little update on Cara Grace!


Matt and Cristin said...
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Matt and Cristin said...

Hi Lindsay!! Oh my gosh, I just read your note on my blogger account that I don't really check anymore....! :) I'm glad I checked it. (See our new page.... www.mattandcristin.com :)
It was SO good to hear from you and I'm glad you guys are doing well. What beautiful girls you guys have! We should get in touch sometime soon...I would love to hear more! :) Hope you guys had a great Easter!