Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Pics

We had such a fun time with family yesterday! We all went to church together and came back to our house for a big Easter lunch. After lunch, we had an Easter Egg hunt in our yard. First, the adults hid the eggs for the kids and then they hid them for us... Reagan had a blast looking for eggs. She'd say, "Oh! Look! Here's one!"- everytime she picked up an egg. The kids got a little more creative with their egg hiding. We had a hard time finding some of them. Probably because they were hidden in strange places- window ledges, cars, ect. But, I found the most eggs in the adult hunt. My "prize" was a spanking. Wow... I didn't get any pics of the girls in their Easter dresses. But, we did go and get professional pics made. They will be here on the 2oth. They got their pics made with a little lamb. It was very fun and cute! Oh, and for those of you that don't know, my sister is pregnant again! Her baby is due at the end of October. She will get an ultrasound on May 4th to find out the gender... I can't wait. They want a boy really bad, we'll see...


Jeremy and Morgen said...

It sounds like you had a great Easter. I can't believe how big Katie and Kendal are now! It makes me feel old. And tell your sister congratulations on the new baby. How fun to have lots of family!

Anonymous said...

Glad your Easter was great! We had a great one too...hanging out at my parents house with all the family.
I am so happy for your sis! How exciting!
Getting excited to come out and see you all!