Sunday, March 26, 2006

Our Wonderful Little Reagan...

I just wanted to blog about how cute and darling our Reagan is... She has been so fun and energetic lately. This past Friday evening I thought I would cook something different and out of the ordinary. I've been feeling not so good this past week and haven't been able to do that much cooking. (sorry honey!) I believe Austin ate cinnamon rolls for supper Thursday night. Anyway, I made chicken stir-fry Friday night. I even made fried rice to go along with it and homemade Japanese "sauce." The sauce didn't turn out like I'd hoped, but oh well. While I was in the middle of my cooking Reagan was in the living room watching Dora. I was really concentrated on my cooking and didn't realize Reagan had taken her pants, pull-up, socks, and shoes off and was running laps around the living room and kitchen. When Austin got home from work he asked, "Why is Reagan running around half-naked?" For some reason lately she wants to be naked and running. I don't know why, but it's funny. The other night I just wanted to relax and take a bath and be ALONE! Well, Reagan took her clothes off and got into the tub with me. I couldn't help but laugh! I think she is beginning to enjoy dressing and UNdressing herself. Last night it was time for bed and she went in her room and put on her pink suede shoes and was tearing through the house. It was cute. Her little legs were going as fast as they could go! Reagan is also having "sympathy pains" with my pregnancy. I guess I've said that my stomach hurts alot and I don't feel well- b/c she tells me quite a bit now that her belly hurts! :) And in the morning when I feel sick she asks, "Mommy, you feel o.k?" "You all right?" When we ask her if she wants a baby brother or sister she says, "O.K!" I'm not sure she understands yet.

Last Wednesday we got her pics taken at Kid Shots for Easter. It was so fun! They have live bunnies and a lamb to pose in the pictures. The photographer got Reagan seated and posed and then brought the animals out. The first picture was taken with a brown bunny. The bunny was put in a little basket. But, the bunny didn't want to behave and kept trying to get out of the basket! :) Reagan would smile real big when the photographer would make her laugh and then her expression would turn back solemn. It was funny! We ended up choosing the picture of Reagan and the lamb - named Bella. Reagan has her arm around the lamb and it has it's head in her lap. The photographer said that it the first time she's seen Bella lay her head in someone's lap! Reagan is a real animal lover so we had a lot of fun! We got some really great pictures.
Reagan is a wonderful daughter and a joy to us- We love Reagan!!!!


Jeremy and Morgen said...

I love reading about Reagan and the things going on in your life. But as much as I love reading, I would really like to see more pictures!!!! Linz, don't make me start a protest- I'll do it. I want to see pics of Reagan and you and Austin and even Minnie if you want! Just get some up!!! Are you looking pregnant yet?!?

Austin & Lindsay said...

I was just thinking our blog is rather boring as far as pics go. I am going to take some this week and post them soon-promise!