Sunday, October 29, 2006

Last Pregnant Pose...

O.K. This is so everyone can see how BIG my belly is!!! This was taken yesterday. I know I am very brave to put this on our blog. I hope you all don't think I look too different! But hey, after Nov. 1st I can only get thinner. I am looking forward to that!

Pumpkin Carving

Last night Reagan and Austin carved a pumpkin. We thought we would celebrate Halloween this weekend b/c the baby will be coming Wednesday and we won't do much the night before. Reagan didn't really get into carving the pumpkin as much as Austin did. And when he finished carving the face on the pumpkin, Reagan was a little afraid of it. - surprise, surprise! :) So, we put a candle in our pumpkin and set it out on the poarch. We had a lot of fun this weekend. We tried to make it a special one b/c this was our last weekend with just Reagan. I love my family so much and look forward to welcoming Cara Grace in a couple of days!!

Fun Pics

My sister Beth and my nephew Kendal at
his football game. Kendal is quite the football
player. He isn't afraid to tackle and take
down even the biggest opponents! At their
first practice last season he hit two boys so
hard they didn't come back! :)

Reagan posing in her Strawberry
Shortcake sunglasses. Sometimes
she can be such a ham!

Mom a.k.a. "Dorder" - This is what
Reagan calls my mom. Mom wants to
be called Grandmommy, but somehow
Reagan came up with the name Dorder
last year. It's so funny! This is a picture
of them at the Dinosaur exhibit we went
to last Friday. Reagan got to look for
dinosaur fossils in the dirt.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Still Waiting!

We it looks like our little girl will probably arrive sometime early Wednesday morning. (Nov. 1st) I went for my last doctor's visit yesterday and still nothing! My doctor said I should be glad I am having a c-section b/c this baby doesn't seem to want to go anywhere anytime soon! But, on Wednesday she'll meet us all- like it or not! :) I am starting to get a little nervous about having to be in the hospital for so long again. I'm not really fond of them. But, it will be so fun to meet Cara Grace!

Yesterday we worked on putting up a horse and princess border in Reagan's room. Now all we lack is a rug. I will take some pics of her new "pink" room and post them this weekend. She is very excited about the wallpaper border.

There's not much news to report lately, just taking it easy waiting for the big day. This will be our last weekend together as a family of three. In a way it's bitter-sweet. I wonder how Reagan will react to having a new sister. I wonder how I will handle being shared between two. I'm sure it'll all work out just fine... I always get a little afraid of the unknown.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


So, I guess for now- no news is good news... I went to the doctor on Wednesday for my weekly check-up. Everything still looks good, but I am showing zero signs of getting close to the big event! I was hoping for a little good news, but oh well... My next and last appt. is on the 26th. I will then have to go to the hospital to fill out my pre-op. forms. And then the following Wednesday is the day- Nov. 1st!!

I've noticed in the past week or so that I have begun to swell quite a bit in my hands, face, ankles, and feet. It looks so lovely! I'm starting to look just like I did right before I had Reagan! I showed my doctor my ankles and she didn't have any sympathy for me. She said I should see some of her other patient's ankles. So, I guess they're not too bad!

On another note, Reagan and I are going on a field trip tomorrow morning to the Hickory Science Center for their dinosaur exhibit. Reagan is really into dinosaurs and is looking forward to this trip very much. I heard that some of the dinosaurs are really huge and scary. I wonder if she'll be afraid. Reagan seems to get afraid of things such as clowns and all the Halloween characters we see in stores. We went to McDonald's this week to have dinner with my friend Kamie and their was a man dressed up like a clown entertaining children. Reagan Did Not like the clown. As we were leaving, I needed to throw away our trash and the clown was standing really close to the trash can. Reagan looked at the clown and started crying hysterically! You never can know what goes on in a three year old's mind. So, hopefully the dinosaur exhibit will be fun not frightening!

So, that's all for now... I will keep everyone posted as we get closer to the big day!

Friday, October 06, 2006

A Good Report!

Yesterday I went to the doctor for my weekly check-up. I am now going on a weekly basis. My blood pressure is really good. It was something like 104/80. My blood was tested at 30 weeks and it showed that I was anemic. Since then I have been loading up on the vitamins and extra iron. Yesterday when I was tested again, I was no longer anemic! Yeah! And, the best part of my whole visit was we discovered that sometime over the past couple of weeks, the baby has turned in the correct position- head down! My doctor did a quick ultrasound to confirm. I got to take another peek at the baby. She has really grown! I think she turned last Friday night. She was moving a lot when I was trying to sleep. It was quite painful. But, she was successful in her attempts! I hope she is more comfortable now, I am. Reagan tried to turn as well sometime around 34 weeks when I was pregnant with her, but didn't quite make it. Maybe Cara Grace is smaller than Reagan-who knows...

So, I was glad to get a good report from the doctor! We only have 3 1/2 more weeks!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Baby Shower Pics

This is the only good picture of me at the shower. I was so busy talking and opening gifts, I forgot to take any pictures. I had my cousin Jessica to take a few. I had such a fun time!!!

Cara Grace's crib. We are using Reagan's old bumper pad and adding a new quilt. My mom and I went and picked out the materials for the quilt and had it made. We also had two pillows made with the extra material. It looks so cute! Our nursery colors are a sage green and pale lilac.

This is a close-up of the pillows. We used a purple toile material.

This pic was taken around Labor Day weekend. My belly is a little bigger now-if that's possible! I don't want to take anymore pictures of myself b/c I look fat and swollen! When I smile, I look like a "chubby girl!"

Fun Pics

This is a picture of Austin relaxing in the new glider rocker we got for the nursery. He is using my boppy nursing pillow as a head rest! This was taken after a long day of mowing the yard and washing the car. I think he was about to fall asleep!

Reagan doing what she does best- eating CAKE!

Cousin Katie and Reagan at a football game. Katie is a pee-wee cheerleader for Stanley Optimist Club.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Catch Up

I know the blog has been pretty boring lately with not a lot pics- but, I have several to post... I will put them up this week. We had our baby shower last weekend and it was so much fun! Last night, Austin and I bought a new glider rocker for the nursery and set it up. Everything is ready now for the baby. So, if she wants to come a little early, I will not be upset! :) This afternoon, my cousin had her baby shower. She is having a little girl as well. Her baby is due two weeks after mine. She went to the doctor (we have the same doctor) last week and her blood pressure is high and she might have a slight case of preclampsia. Our doctor might consider delivering her baby early. If that's the case, we might have our babies around the same time. That would be cool! But, it is not good she hasn't been feeling so well.

I only have 4 weeks left! I go to the doctor this Thursday and then I will be going on a weekly basis. I have noticed more swelling in my hands, face, and feet the past week or so. Oh, and this baby is in a breech position just like Reagan was! Can you believe it? I thought that was interesting!

I must get going! It's been a very busy weekend. I will post lots of pics later on in the week. Please bear with my boring posts until then!