Friday, October 27, 2006

Still Waiting!

We it looks like our little girl will probably arrive sometime early Wednesday morning. (Nov. 1st) I went for my last doctor's visit yesterday and still nothing! My doctor said I should be glad I am having a c-section b/c this baby doesn't seem to want to go anywhere anytime soon! But, on Wednesday she'll meet us all- like it or not! :) I am starting to get a little nervous about having to be in the hospital for so long again. I'm not really fond of them. But, it will be so fun to meet Cara Grace!

Yesterday we worked on putting up a horse and princess border in Reagan's room. Now all we lack is a rug. I will take some pics of her new "pink" room and post them this weekend. She is very excited about the wallpaper border.

There's not much news to report lately, just taking it easy waiting for the big day. This will be our last weekend together as a family of three. In a way it's bitter-sweet. I wonder how Reagan will react to having a new sister. I wonder how I will handle being shared between two. I'm sure it'll all work out just fine... I always get a little afraid of the unknown.

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