Friday, October 06, 2006

A Good Report!

Yesterday I went to the doctor for my weekly check-up. I am now going on a weekly basis. My blood pressure is really good. It was something like 104/80. My blood was tested at 30 weeks and it showed that I was anemic. Since then I have been loading up on the vitamins and extra iron. Yesterday when I was tested again, I was no longer anemic! Yeah! And, the best part of my whole visit was we discovered that sometime over the past couple of weeks, the baby has turned in the correct position- head down! My doctor did a quick ultrasound to confirm. I got to take another peek at the baby. She has really grown! I think she turned last Friday night. She was moving a lot when I was trying to sleep. It was quite painful. But, she was successful in her attempts! I hope she is more comfortable now, I am. Reagan tried to turn as well sometime around 34 weeks when I was pregnant with her, but didn't quite make it. Maybe Cara Grace is smaller than Reagan-who knows...

So, I was glad to get a good report from the doctor! We only have 3 1/2 more weeks!

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