Thursday, October 19, 2006


So, I guess for now- no news is good news... I went to the doctor on Wednesday for my weekly check-up. Everything still looks good, but I am showing zero signs of getting close to the big event! I was hoping for a little good news, but oh well... My next and last appt. is on the 26th. I will then have to go to the hospital to fill out my pre-op. forms. And then the following Wednesday is the day- Nov. 1st!!

I've noticed in the past week or so that I have begun to swell quite a bit in my hands, face, ankles, and feet. It looks so lovely! I'm starting to look just like I did right before I had Reagan! I showed my doctor my ankles and she didn't have any sympathy for me. She said I should see some of her other patient's ankles. So, I guess they're not too bad!

On another note, Reagan and I are going on a field trip tomorrow morning to the Hickory Science Center for their dinosaur exhibit. Reagan is really into dinosaurs and is looking forward to this trip very much. I heard that some of the dinosaurs are really huge and scary. I wonder if she'll be afraid. Reagan seems to get afraid of things such as clowns and all the Halloween characters we see in stores. We went to McDonald's this week to have dinner with my friend Kamie and their was a man dressed up like a clown entertaining children. Reagan Did Not like the clown. As we were leaving, I needed to throw away our trash and the clown was standing really close to the trash can. Reagan looked at the clown and started crying hysterically! You never can know what goes on in a three year old's mind. So, hopefully the dinosaur exhibit will be fun not frightening!

So, that's all for now... I will keep everyone posted as we get closer to the big day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Can't believe the time is almost here. I have been thinking of you alot lately. Glad you are doing well, despite the "end of pregnancy" ailments! Miss you and wish we could be there to welcome little Cara in November. Maybe next year?!

Hope Reagan likes the exhibits! That is so funny she likes dinosaurs!