Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Baby Shower Pics

This is the only good picture of me at the shower. I was so busy talking and opening gifts, I forgot to take any pictures. I had my cousin Jessica to take a few. I had such a fun time!!!

Cara Grace's crib. We are using Reagan's old bumper pad and adding a new quilt. My mom and I went and picked out the materials for the quilt and had it made. We also had two pillows made with the extra material. It looks so cute! Our nursery colors are a sage green and pale lilac.

This is a close-up of the pillows. We used a purple toile material.

This pic was taken around Labor Day weekend. My belly is a little bigger now-if that's possible! I don't want to take anymore pictures of myself b/c I look fat and swollen! When I smile, I look like a "chubby girl!"


Jeremy and Morgen said...

I really don't care if you think you look like a chubby girl. I want to see pictures of you! Plus years down the road you will actually have some for Cara to see. I am so thankful for digital cameras right now. Poor Jeremy has to take at least 25 before I find 3 I actually like. It takes forever, but whatever, I'm that vain!

Anonymous said...

I agree Morgen, more pics! It is so fun to see pics of you Linz! I understand though, I felt the same way only a year ago. It's amazing how fast it goes...and soon you will be back to your old self again. Enjoy these last few weeks if you can! How exciting!

Everything looks great! Guess all you need now is for little Cara to arrive...

Hope you got my voicemail...talk to you soon!