Monday, April 30, 2007

It's My Burfday!

I can't believe I'm 31 today...Well, actually I couldn't believe I was 30 last year. Time flies. It seems like it goes by especially fast after you have kids. I don't know why, but it does. Reagan will be 4 soon-WOW!!! I will post b-day pics later today. I just wanted to post these pics that Emily took when I was in AZ last yr. I am soooo excited for their visit in a couple of weeks. Emily, bring your camera if you can. I will pay for the film!
We went up to the mountains to celebrate my birthday this past weekend. It was really cold and windy up there. We took the kids and met up with my sister and her family and my parents. We went to a Japanese steakhouse. (I go there every yr.) And I don't know why I do b/c Reagan is terrified of the cook and "the fire" they make. Cara Grace screamed everytime the cook made the fire! And she screamed when the other tables around us made fire. Oh well, next yr. maybe I'll go to dinner with Austin- alone! We had fun anyway. I was so stuffed, I didn't have room for my cake. But, I suppose that's a good thing!!!
So, tomorrow is the beginning of May and the start of my extremely BUSY month. It's going to be madness, but so much fun! Many things to look forward to in May....
We are possibly going to get a new p&w leader at church. He has been leading worship the past couple of weeks. It has been so wonderful! What a difference one person can make! And yesterday I got a chance to talk with a guy whose organizes missions trips for the church. I am very excited!!! Hopefully we'll get to take a trip next yr. I told him if he ever got a trip together to go to China I would go.... He said that he'd been thinking about that lately. That would be so awesome!! I've wanted to go there for some time now! I hope to be able to go on a trip soon. That would be so great!
I will post some birthday pics later!! Hope you all have a wonderful week! Be Blessed....


Matt and Cristin said...

Happy Birthday !!! You know, it's wierd...but I was thinking this weekend....'someone I know is having a birthday this weekend....' hmmmm. I don't know, maybe I didn't know it, but it just felt like I knew that! :) Okay, I'm seriously going to email you soon! Happy Day! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you Linz! I am thinking of you today. Glad you got to celebrate even though it sounds like it was a little hectic with the kiddos! Ha! I can just imagine! I can't wait to see you either and I will definitely try and bring my camera...lots of stuff to tote along!
Enjoy the rest of your day!

Jeremy and Morgen said...

Happy Burfday!!!!! Sounds like you had a good one. I am beginning to appreciate dinners without the kids more and more :)